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Prop 12

Found 1448 Items

intl trade

International Trade

International Agricultural Trade   Overview International agricultural trade has been described as inexplicable, exasperating, and the most distorted segment of the...


International Agricultural Law and Organizations

International Agricultural Law and Organizations   Overview As international agricultural trade increases, international law becomes more important to agriculture and food...



Forestry   Overview Forestry has been an important part of American industry since the late 1600s and remains so to this...

food safety

Food Safety

Food Safety   Overview The United States food regulatory system has developed piecemeal over the last century, generating new rules and...


Finance and Credit

Finance and Credit Overview Farmers must often borrow large amounts of capital and incur sizeable debts in order to operate and...

estate planning

Estate Planning and Taxation

Estate Planning and Taxation   Overview Estate planning is the development of a system to transfer the ownership of property to...


Corporate Farming & Land Ownership Laws

Corporate Farming & Land Ownership Laws   Overview Several states have statutes or constitutional provisions that restrict the power of certain...


Country of Origin Labeling

Country of Origin Labeling (COOL)   Overview While agricultural commodities remained exempt from COOL requirements for many years, the 2002 Farm...


Conservation Programs

Conservation Programs   Overview The United States Department of Agriculture, through the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Farm Service...


Checkoff Programs

Checkoff Programs Overview Checkoff programs – also referred to as research and promotion programs – promote and provide research and information...

business org

Business Organizations

Business Organizations   Overview The practice of forming organizations for the purpose of doing business began centuries ago, but the twentieth...



Biotechnology Overview A uniformly accepted definition of biotechnology does not exist. Under the broadest definition, the use of biological sciences to...



Bankruptcy Overview Bankruptcy laws enable debtors in financial distress to settle their obligations by petitioning a federal court and developing a...


Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare   Overview Laws governing the treatment of animals in the United States began to emerge, mostly at the state...

Animal Feeding Operations

  Animal Feeding Operations   Overview Animal feeding operations (AFOs) are agricultural entities that raise animals in confined areas. More specifically,...


Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution Overview As the number of cases filed each year has increased and court resources are stretched further and...



Agritourism Overview Agritourism is a field that is growing in popularity as producers try to diversify and increase profits. By combining...

Browse Categories

Browse Categories 1 – Administrative Law (Federal and State Farm Programs) 2 – Agribusiness Corporations 3 – Agricultural Law: Attorney Roles...


Agricultural Leases

Agricultural Leases Overview The agriculture sector relies heavily on leases to fulfill different needs.  With absentee ownership of farmland growing in...

Case Law Index: Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare January 1, 1995 – August 16, 2023 This index provides a comprehensive though not necessarily exhaustive compilation of reported...