Questions on grazing and hunting leases? Check out the Ranchers' Ag Leasing Handbook: Grazing, Hunting, and Livestock Leases (co-authored by Senior Staff Attorney Rusty Rumley, our partner @TiffDowell, Shannon Ferrell, and Paul Goeringer): @txextension
The Feed Vol. 3, Issue 2 is out! Check it out for agricultural law and policy updates on #WaterLaw, #ESA, #PFAS, #FoodSafety and more:
Mark your calendars for #MidSouth on June 5-6 in Memphis, TN & #Western on June 19-20 in Reno, Nevada
Join us for the practical resources, stay for the continuing education, and return for the networking. See you there!
In 1978, @POTUS_39 signed a bill legalizing home brewing- 100 gallons per adult/200 gallons per household. Check out a NALC webinar on laws surrounding craft brewing here: