Clean Water Act – National Agricultural Law Center
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In: Clean Water Act

WOTUS Update: Judge Recommends Resolving CWA Dispute in Favor of Landowner Following Sackett Decision

In late September, a federal judge for the Southern District of Florida recommended that an on-going case be resolved in favor...

The Feed: Vol. 2, Issue 19

The Feed newsletter highlights recent legal developments affecting agriculture, with issues released twice a month. Click below to sign up for...

Colorado Legislature Passes Wetlands Permitting Bill

On May 16, 2024, the Colorado State Legislature passed House Bill 1379, a state law intended to regulate the discharge of...

The Feed: Volume 2, Issue 5

The Feed newsletter highlights recent legal developments affecting agriculture, with issues released twice a month. Click below to sign up for...

Plaintiffs Claim Cranberry Bog Not Exempt from CWA Regulation

On February 28, 2024, the Corte Oreilles Lakes Association together with the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa...

The Feed: Volume 2, Issue 4

The Feed newsletter highlights recent legal developments affecting agriculture, with issues released twice a month. Click below to sign up for...

Federal Court Revokes Florida’s CWA Section 404 Permitting Authority

On February 15, 2024, a federal court in the District of Columbia issued a ruling formally vacating the Environmental Protection Agency’s...

EPA Proposes Updates to Effluent Limitations for Meat and Poultry Processors

In late January, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) announced that it was seeking public comment on its proposal to revise technology-based...

The Feed: Volume 2, Issue 2

The Feed newsletter highlights recent legal developments affecting agriculture, with issues released twice a month. Click below to sign up for...

EPA Weighs in On Supreme Court Decision Regarding Groundwater and the CWA

In April 2020, the United States Supreme Court issued its final ruling Cty. of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund, 590 U.S....

The Feed: Volume 2, Issue 1

The Feed newsletter highlights recent legal developments affecting agriculture, with issues released twice a month. Click below to sign up for...

The Feed: Volume 1, Issue 23

The Feed newsletter highlights recent legal developments affecting agriculture, with issues released twice a month. Click below to sign up for...

The Feed: Volume 1, Issue 20

The Feed newsletter highlights recent legal developments affecting agriculture, with issues released twice a month. Click below to sign up for...

Court Rules that EPA Must Engage in ESA Consultation When Adopting Water Quality Standards

The Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) must analyze how its revised water quality standards for cadmium will affect threatened and endangered species...