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Packers and Stockyards

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Glossary: S

S: S & D: Special and differential treatment SAA: Shared appreciation agreement Saccharimeter: Instrument used in sugar analysis to measure the amount of rotation...

Glossary: P

P: P: Phosphorus P: Support practice (factor) P & S(A): Packers and Stockyards Administration P & SP: Packers and Stockyards Program P (support practice factor): See Support...

Glossary: M

M: M-W: Minnesota-Wisconsin Price M100: Neat methanol (100%) used as a motor fuel in dedicated methanol vehicles. M85: A blend of 85% methanol and 15% unleaded regular gasoline;...

Glossary: L

L: L: Slope length (factor) L (Slope length factor): See Slope length (factor) (L). Label(s)(ed)(ing) (food): Written, printed, or graphic material on the immediate container...

Glossary: G

G: G & T: Generation and Transmission G-10: Group of 10 G-11: Group of 11 G-15: Group of 15 G-2: Group of 2 G-24: Group of 24...

Glossary: F

F: F&CS: Food and Consumer Service F.A.S.: Free Along Side F.O.B.: Free On Board F.O.B.: See Free on Board (F.O.B.). F.S.T.: F.O.B., Stowed, and Trimmed F.S.T. (F.O.B.,...

Glossary: D

D: Daily liveweight gain: The live weight gain of an animal divided by the number of days between two weighings. Dairy and...

Glossary: B

B: B&I: Business and Industry Loan B20: A mixture of 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum diesel based on volume. BA: Budget authority Babcock test: Traditional method of...

Glossary: A

A: A: The predicted average annual soil loss in tons per acre. See Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). A Time to Act: See National Commission on Small...

Case Law Index: Production Contracts

Case Law Index Production Contracts April 15, 1947 – September 15, 2023   This index provides a comprehensive though not necessarily...

Case Law Index: Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act

Case Law Index Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act January 1, 1984 – July 14, 2023 This index provides a comprehensive though not...

Case Law Index: Local Food Systems

Case Law Index Local Food Systems January 1, 2002 – September 13, 2023 This index provides a comprehensive though not necessarily...

Case Law Index: Commercial Transactions

Case Law Index Commercial Transactions January 1, 2002 – October 13, 2023 This index provides a comprehensive though not necessarily exhaustive...

Case Law Index: Biosecurity

Case Law Index Biosecurity January 1, 2002 – October 10, 2023   This index provides a comprehensive though not necessarily exhaustive...

Workshops on Proposed GIPSA Rules

Workshops on Proposed GIPSA Rules GIPSA, the federal agency responsible for issuing regulations that govern contracting, buying and selling of livestock...

International Trade Overview

Background International agricultural trade has been described as inexplicable, exasperating, and the most distorted segment of the global economy. Nevertheless, its...

Production Contracts Overview

 Production Contracts – An Overview   Background Agricultural production contracts are agreements between producers (e.g. farmers) contractors (e.g. ag businesses) for agricultural commodities....


Production Contracts

 Production Contracts Overview Agricultural production contracts are agreements between producers and contractors, typically agricultural commodity processors, that detail an arrangement for...

Commercial Transactions Overview

Commercial Transactions – An Overview Background Commercial transactions are an integral component of the agricultural production system.  Producers’ purchase of inputs,...

Animal Feeding Operations Overview

Animal Feeding Operations – An Overview Background Animal feeding operations (“AFOs”) are agricultural businesses and operations where animals are kept and...