NALC Introduces “The Feed”
- January 11, 2023
- Drew Viguet
The inaugural issue of The Feed was released on Jan. 11, 2023. The Feed is a bi-weekly newsletter highlighting recent legal...

WOTUS Update: EPA Releases Highly Anticipated Final Rule to Redefine “Waters of the United States”
- January 5, 2023
- Brigit Rollins
On December 30, 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) released its long-awaited rule to redefine the definition of “waters of the...

Treading Water: WOTUS Once Again Before Supreme Court
- February 3, 2022
- Brigit Rollins
In January 2022, the United States Supreme Court announced that it would once again hear arguments in the long-running case of...

WOTUS Update: EPA Releases Proposed Rule to Redefine WOTUS
- December 9, 2021
- Brigit Rollins
On December 6, 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) published in the Federal Register its highly-anticipated proposed rule to redefine the...

WOTUS Update: Breaking Down the Pre-2015 Regulatory Regime
- September 21, 2021
- Brigit Rollins
In late August, a court in the District of Arizona issued a decision vacating the Navigable Waters Protection Rule (“NWPR”), the...

Arizona Court Vacates WOTUS Rule
- September 2, 2021
- Brigit Rollins
UPDATE: Since the court’s ruling was issued, EPA has announced on its website that both it and the U.S. Army Corps of...

WOTUS Update: EPA Makes Announcement, Status Update for On-Going Lawsuits
- July 22, 2021
- Brigit Rollins
On June 9, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“Corps”) released a joint statement announcing...

WOTUS Update: Injunction Issued As Lawsuits Progress
- July 23, 2020
- Brigit Rollins
On June 22, 2020, the long-awaited Navigable Waters Protection Rule (“Navigable Waters Rule”) officially went into legal effect. The Navigable Waters...

WOTUS Update: Navigable Waters Rule Faces Backlash
- May 14, 2020
- Brigit Rollins
On April 21, 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) published the long-awaited Navigable Waters Protection Rule (“Navigable Waters Rule”) in the...

WOTUS Redefined: EPA Announces Final Rule
- January 24, 2020
- Brigit Rollins
The Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) has released its much-anticipated replacement for the 2015 Waters of the United States rule (“2015 Rule”)....

Redefined: WOTUS Controversy Continues
- December 5, 2019
- Brigit Rollins
Earlier this year, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) altered a central component of the Clean Water Act (“CWA”) by once again...

- August 23, 2019
- Elizabeth
JUDICIAL: STATE OF GEORGIA, et al., Plaintiffs, v. ANDREW R. WHEELER, in his official capacity as Acting Adm’r, U.S. Envtl. Prot....