Ag and Food Law Blog- National Agricultural Law Center
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The Ag & Food Law Update

Falling Corn Prices a Key Issue in Farm Bill Debate

Posted November 20, 2013   Falling corn prices have become a key issue for the farm bill conference, according to an...

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EPA Proposes 2014 RFS, Reduces Biofuel Requirement

Posted November 20, 2013   The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released its proposed 2014 Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS), reducing...

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Legislators Postpone Override Vote on NJ Bill to Ban Gestation Crates

Posted November 19, 2013   A vote to override New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s veto of a bill banning gestation crates...

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GMO Food Labeling Fight Moves to Statehouses

Posted November 19, 2013   While the results of the Washington state food labeling initiative that would have required labels for...

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Amendment to Horse Protection Act would Require More USDA Involvement

Posted November 19, 2013   Congress members and veterinarians recently debated an amendment to the Horse Protection Act that would require...

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Special Master Rules in Favor of Nebraska in Water Dispute

Posted November 18, 2013   On Friday, a special master appointed by the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a demand that Nebraska...

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Report Finds Potential Savings of $130 Billion from Agricultural Programs

Posted November 18, 2013   A report released by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) shows that Congress could save around $130...

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House Names Conferees for Water Resources Bill

Posted November 18, 2013   Leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives have named the legislators who will negotiate and reconcile...

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Oregon Appeals Court Dismisses Challenge to “Right to Farm” Law

Posted November 18, 2013   In Hale v. State of Oregon, Or. Ct. App., A150572 (Nov. 14, 2013), the Oregon Court...

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Farm Bill Progress Amid Challenges

Posted November 15, 2013   House Agricultural Committee ranking member Collin Peterson (D-MN) said that the conference is making progress toward...

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Catfish Inspection Program Creates Hurdle for Trans-Pacific Trade

Posted November 15, 2013   A new catfish inspection program at USDA has created a hurdle for U.S. efforts to reach...

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Groups React to EPA Clean Water Act Report

Posted November 14, 2013   Agriculture organizations are raising concerns over the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) draft report “Connectivity of...

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Ethanol Producers Await EPA Ruling on 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard

Posted November 14, 2013   Biofuel producers and gasoline refiners are anxiously awaiting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) release...

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USDA: Chinese Poultry Not Allowed for US Import

Posted November 14, 2013   In response to recent statements from lawmakers, the USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) issued a...

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SC Direct Marketing Guide Now Available

Posted November 13, 2013   A direct marketing guide for South Carolina is now available through the National Agricultural Law Center...

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Change to FSMA Import Rule Causes Negative Response

Posted November 13, 2013   In October, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the most recent revisions from the...

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USDA Invests in Research to Convert Beetle-Killed Trees into Biofuel

Posted November 13, 2013   USDA recently announced an award of almost $10 million to a consortium of academic, industry and...

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Country of Origin Labeling Webinar/CLE on Nov. 14

Posted November 12, 2013   The National Agricultural Law Center will host a webinar, “COOL or Not-So-COOL: Overview and Discussion of...

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Farm Bill Provision Could Hide Farm Locations from Public

Posted November 12, 2013   The farm bill conference is currently considering a provision that would prohibit the government from disclosing...

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USDA Projects Record Corn Crop and Milk Production

Posted November 12, 2013   USDA is projecting a record corn crop and record milk production for 2013 and 2014, according...

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