Posted February 28, 2014
Georgia State Representative Scot Turner recently introduced a bill that would allow raw milk sales in grocery stores, according to an AgWeb article available here. The full text of HB 718 is available here.
Under the current law, raw milk sales are only allowed for pet consumption.
The Marietta Daily Journal reports that some residents are skeptical that the bill would improve the quality of raw milk or make it more affordable. They are also worried that allowing raw milk sales in grocery stores could backfire, “destroying the fragile web that connects small farmers and their customers.”
Cindy Morrow says she would rather drive a few extra miles to meet a local farmer, see the animal, and buy her milk, rather than purchase it from a shelf in the grocery store.
This is the second attempt for Rep. Turner to legalize raw milk in the state. Turner said, “Food and freedom is an issue I’m passionate about. I think people should have the option to eat real foods, and foods they determine are best for them.”
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that raw milk can carry dangerous bacteria such as salmonella, E. coli, and listeria. Pasteurization is a process in which the milk is heated to kill bacteria which causes these foodborne illnesses.
For more information on food safety and food labeling, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website hereand here.