Gangjee, Quibbling Siblings: Conflicts Between Trademarks and Geographical Indications, 1253-1291; Cotton, 123 Years at the Negotiating Table and Still No Dessert? The Case in Support of TRIPS Geographical Indication Protections, 1295-1316; Kur, Quibbling Siblings, comments to Dev Gangjee’s Presentation, 1317-1327; Okediji, The International Intellectual Property Roots of Geographical Indications, 1329-1365; Janis & Smith, Technological Change and the Design of Plant Variety Protection Regimes, 1557-1615; Helfer, The Demise and Rebirth of Plant Variety Protection: A Comment on Technological Change and the Design of Plant Variety Protection Regimes, 1619-1626.