by Drew Viguet, NALC Communications & Special Projects Coordinator

Webinars are a key component of the NALC’s mission as the nation’s leading source of agricultural and food law research and information. Webinars are typically held on the third Wednesday of each month, free of charge, and cover a variety of timely, important topics. During the presentations, attendees hear from experts in agricultural and food law and policy, including NALC staff, partners, and outside experts. Attendees are also able to send questions to presenters during the webinars.

Below is information on some of our upcoming webinars, along with recaps of recent presentations. For a full list of upcoming and recent webinars, visit our Webinar Series page. There you will also find links to the recordings of all our past webinars. In addition, webinar registrants automatically receive an email with a link to the recording the day following the presentation.

More webinars will be announced soon, including the next installment in our “Growing Careers” series for students. Stay tuned to the NALC website and social media accounts (Facebook, LinkedIn, and X) for updates.

We want to hear from you: if you have a topic you would like to see covered in a webinar, please reach out to us. You can email NALC Director Harrison Pittman at

Connect with us! You can subscribe to email notifications for upcoming NALC webinars here. Learn more about all of our communications options and subscribe to them here.

Upcoming Webinars:

Can Agriculture and Solar Co-Exist? Exploring the Promise and Challenge of Agrivoltaics

Agrivoltaics refers to the dual use of land for solar panels and other agricultural production. This could mean crops are grown under or around solar panels, or perhaps cattle graze near the photovoltaic installations. In our Aug. 21 webinar, Peggy Hall and Jesse Richardson will discuss agrivoltaics, focusing on promises that the method offers while also exploring its challenges. Peggy is the director of The Ohio State University Extension Agriculture and Resource Law Program (NALC partner), and Jesse is a professor of law and lead land use attorney at West Virginia University.

Register for the webinar here.

Right to Repair and Agriculture

Can ag producers make repairs to their own equipment? Right to Repair statutes seek to ensure that they can, even on equipment which may utilize highly advanced technology. On Sept. 18, Ross Pifer, director of the Penn State Center for Agricultural and Shale Law (NALC partner), will discuss the status of the Right to Repair movement as it pertains to agriculture, providing an update on legislation from recent years.

Register for the webinar here.

Recent Webinars:

HPAI in Poultry and Cattle: How Can We Miss You If You Won’t Go Away?

Our partner Brook Duer, a staff attorney at the Penn State Center for Agricultural and Shale Law, presented our July webinar on the outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza, or HPAI. In the webinar, Brook explained where things are with the outbreak and how the virus mutated and transferred from wild bird to dairy cattle. He also examined the response by USDA-APHIS, discussing where its authority in the situation is derived from.

To view the recording of this webinar, click here.

Groundwater Recharge: Legal and Strategic Considerations of Project Development

The NALC launched a new series in June: the “Western Water” Webinar Series. Water issues are a vital topic to all of agriculture and are especially pertinent to the unique Western landscape. Our first installment in the series, “Groundwater Recharge: Legal and Strategic Considerations of Project Development,” was presented by David Cameron, formerly partner at Hanson Bridgett and currently partner at Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo. David discussed groundwater recharge developments that have emerged in the West as a response to stress on water resources.

“The NALC is heavily invested in strengthening our resources and stakeholders in the Western U.S.,” Harrison Pittman, NALC Director, said. “This new series is a component of that strategic initiative, and we’re looking forward to more great presentations in the future. Water is a very significant issue in Western agriculture. David provided excellent insight into groundwater recharge developments to kick off this new series.”

To view the recording of this webinar, click here.
