Symposium, The Global Politics of Food: Sustainability and Subordination, 43 U. MIAMI INTER-AMERICAN L. REV. 1-290 (2011).

Ehrenreich & Lyon, The Global Politics of Food: A Critical Overview 1-43; Calva, La Producción de Alimentos en México en al Marco de las Políticas Neoliberales y del TLCAN 45-75; González, Theoretical Perspectives. Introduction: The Global Politics of Food 77-87; Pouncy, Food, Globalism and Theory: Marxian and Institutionalist Insights into the Global Food System 89-114; Halewood, Trade Liberalization and Obstacles to Food Security: Toward a Sustainable Food Sovereignty, 115-136; West, Food Systems and Local Practice; Introduction: Lessons Learned from Indonesia, Latin America, and the United States, 137-141; Vesilind, NAFTA’s Trojan Horse & the Demise of the Mexican Hog Industry, 143-163; Brainard, The Impact of Indonesian Agricultural Policies on Indigenous Populations, Natural Resources and the Economy: The Limits of Democratic SelfDetermination under Capitalist Regimes, 165-193; Espíritu, Advocacy Strategies; Introduction: Politicizing the Everyday, 195-206; Curran & González, Food Justice as Interracial Justice: Urban Farmers, Community Organizations and the Role of Government in Oakland, California, 207-232; HernándezLópez, LA’s Taco Truck War: How Law Cooks Food Culture Contests, 233-268; Rábago et. al, Litigio Estratégico contra la Siembra de Maíz Genéticamente Modificado en México, 269-290.

Categories: Bibliography, Hunger and Food Security Issues, Underserved Communities, BIPOC