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Landowner Liability

Landowner Liability   Overview Land ownership is a part of the American ethos that brings with it many benefits and a...


Labor Overview Many complex state and federal laws have been enacted since the depression era in an effort to protect workers...


International Agricultural Law and Organizations

International Agricultural Law and Organizations   Overview As international agricultural trade increases, international law becomes more important to agriculture and food...

food safety

Food Safety

Food Safety   Overview The United States food regulatory system has developed piecemeal over the last century, generating new rules and...

estate planning

Estate Planning and Taxation

Estate Planning and Taxation   Overview Estate planning is the development of a system to transfer the ownership of property to...


Environmental Law

Environmental Law   Overview Environmental law is a body of law dedicated to protecting the natural environment from degradation because of...

crop insurance

Disaster Assistance / Crop Insurance

Disaster Assistance/Crop Insurance   Overview The federal government plays a significant role in assisting agricultural producers cope with financial losses caused...


Conservation Programs

Conservation Programs   Overview The United States Department of Agriculture, through the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Farm Service...

commodity programs

Commodity Programs

Farm Commodity Programs   Overview Throughout American history the federal government has used its legislative power to support agricultural production, such...

climate change

Climate Change

Climate Change   Overview Natural processes and man-made changes to the environment has caused significant changes to the earth’s atmosphere due...

Animal Feeding Operations

  Animal Feeding Operations   Overview Animal feeding operations (AFOs) are agricultural entities that raise animals in confined areas. More specifically,...



Agritourism Overview Agritourism is a field that is growing in popularity as producers try to diversify and increase profits. By combining...

Senate Ag Committee to Mark-Up 2013 Farm Bill on May 14

Senator Debbie Stabenow, Chairwoman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, will convene a meeting of the full...

Browse Categories

Browse Categories 1 – Administrative Law (Federal and State Farm Programs) 2 – Agribusiness Corporations 3 – Agricultural Law: Attorney Roles...

Glossary: Acronyms

Acronyms: AAA: Agricultural Adjustment Acts AAM: American Agriculture Movement AARC: Alternative Agricultural Research & Commercialization Corporation AASCARR: American Association of Schools...

Case Law Index: Agricultural Leases

Case Law Index Agricultural Leases January 1, 1965 – March 25, 2022 This index provides a comprehensive though not necessarily exhaustive...

Case Law Index: Administrative Law

Case Law Index Administrative Law January 1, 2002 – May 11, 2023   This index provides a comprehensive though not necessarily exhaustive...

Three States Pass New “Agritourism” Liability Protection Laws

As the legislative sessions for many states are wrapping up, three states have recently passed agritourism statutes designed to reduce help...

Case Law Indexes

Case Law Indexes The Case Law Indexes provide comprehensive though not necessarily exhaustive subject-based compilations of reported and unreported federal and...