A news release last week from the Coalition for Sugar Reform stated that, “Reforming federal sugar subsidies can save American consumers up to $3.5 billion and generate 20,000 new jobs each year, a new study by Iowa State University researchers has found.”
“The study shows that in the absence of current sugar policies, food industry jobs would increase as production ad exports of sugar-containing products grow, and as imports of such products from other countries decline.”
“This study clearly shows the impact of the high costs of the current sugar policy, but also tells us about the potential for consumers, small businesses and workers to benefit from a better policy,” said Larry Graham, President of the National Confectioners Association and Chairman of the Coalition for Sugar Reform. “The report should caution Congress against any last-minute attempts to extend the current sugar program without the opportunity to debate changes.”
For more information, click here.
Posted 11/21/2011