Symposium: Intellectual Property Rights for the Public Good: Obligations of U.S. Universities to Developing Countries, 6 MINNESOTA J. LAW, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 177-371 2004

Phillips, Intellectual Property Rights for the Public Good: Obligations of U.S. Universities to Developing Countries, 177-186; Muscoplat, Lessons from the Interaction of Biotechnology, Intellectual Property and World Needs, 187-190; Sell, What Role for Humanitarian Intellectual Property? The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights, 191-212; Pardy, Koo & Nottenburg, Creating, Protecting, and Using Crop Biotechnologies Worldwide in an Era of Intellectual Property, 213-252; Cantrell et al., The Impact of Intellectual Property on Nonprofit Research Institutions and the Developing Countries They Serve, 253-276; Taylor & Cayford, Biotechnology Patents and African Food Security: Aligning America’s Patent Policies and International Development Interests, 277-304; Janis, Supplemental Forms of Intellectual Property Protection for Plants, 305-334; Burk, Legal Constraint of Genetic Use Restriction Technologies, 335-358; Schuh, Intellectual Property Rights and the Land Grant Mission, 359-371.

Categories: _Bibliography, Patents and Other Intellectual Property Rights in Agriculture