Symposium. From Hand to Mouth, Via the Lab and the Legislature: International and Domestic Regulations to Secure the Food Supply, 40 VANDERBILT J. TRANSNATIONAL L. 899-1187 2007

Tauxe, Foodborne Infections and the Global Food Supply: Improving Health at Home and Abroad, 899-919; DeWaal, Food Safety and Security: What Tragedy Teaches Us about our 100 year-old Food Laws, 921-935; Bobo, The Role of International Agreements in Achieving Food Security: How Many Lawyers Does It Take to feed a Village? 937-947; Bhala, Empathizing with France and Pakistan on Agricultural Subsidy Issues in the Doha Round, 949-985; Vapnek, Legislative Implementation of the Food Chain Approach, 987-1014; Sealing, Attack of the Balloon People: How America’s Food Culture and Agriculture Polices Threaten the Food Security of the Poor, Farmers, and Indigenous Peoples of the World, 1015-1037; Kaufmann & Heri, Liberalizing Trade in Agriculture and Food Security–Mission Impossible? 1039-1070; Hauter, The limits of International Human Rights Law and the Role of Food Sovereignty in Protecting People from Further Trade Liberalization under the Doha Round Negotiations, 1071-1098; Aginam, Food Safety, SouthNorth Asymmetries, and the Clash of Regulatory Regimes, 1099-1114; Echols, Paths to Local Food Security: A Right to Food, a Commitment to Trade, 1115-1126; Fisher, Fast Food: Regulatory Emergency Food Aid in Sudden Impact Disasters, 1127-1153; George, Response is Local, Relief Is Not: The Pervasive Impact of Agro Terrorism, 1155-1170; Hoffman & Kennedy, International Cooperation to Defend the Food Supply Chain: Nations are Talking Next Step Action, 1171-1187.