Cooper-Walsh Colloquium: Taking a Bite out of the Big Apple: A Conversation about Urban Food Policy, 45 FORDHAM URBANA L. J. 909-1156 (2018).

DePasquale, Sarang & Vena, Forging Food Justice through Cooperatives in New York City, 45 FORKHAM URBANA L. J. 909-950 (2018); Freudenberg et al., Ten Years of Food Policy Governance in New York City: Lessons for the Next Decade, 45 FORDHAM URBANA L. J. 951-994 (2018); Lieb & Linnekin, Food Law Gone Wild: The Law of Foraging, 45 FORDHAM URBANA L. J. 995-1050 (2018); Roache et al., Big Food and Soda versus Public Health: Industry Litigation Against Local Government Regulations to Promote Healthy Diets, 45 FORDHAM URBANA L. J. 1051-1089 (2018); Rosenberg & Cohen, Let Them Eat Kale: The Misplaced Narrative of Food Access, 45 FORDHAM URBANA L. J. 1091-1120 (2018); Brown, Beyond Corporate Form: A Response to Dan DePasquale, Surbhi Sarang, and Natalie Bump Vena’s “Forging Food Justice through Cooperatives in New York City”, 45 FORDHAM URBANA L. J. 1121-1139 (2018); Galperin, No Farms No Food? A Response to Baylen J. Linnekin, 45 FORDHAM URBANA L. J. 1141-1156 (2018).

Categories: Bibliography, Food and Drug Law