Posted February 12, 2014
The National Agricultural Law Center offers a wide range of resources, one of which is the National Organic Program Reading Room available here.
The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 was enacted to create “national standards governing the marketing of certain agricultural products as organically produced products,” to assure consumers that “organically produced products meet a consistent standard,” and to facilitate “interstate commerce in fresh and processed food that is organically produced.” The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), an agency within USDA, published a final rule implementing the OFPA and creating the National Organic Program.
The National Organic Program Reading Room provides information on major statutes, relevant regulations, links to the case law index for the National Organic Program, administrative law decisions, Center research publication, relevant Congressional Research Service reports, and many other resources.
These resources are provided by the National Agricultural Law Center as a free service to the public.