Posted October 1, 2013
Minnesota pizza firm, Junction Pizza, has recalled approximately 17,194 pounds of frozen pizza products containing soy lecithin, a known allergen, which is not declared on the product labels. For a complete list of the products recalled, the News Release by USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) is available here.
FSIS inspectors discovered the error during a routine label review. The undeclared soy lecithin is used as a “releasing agent” in the pizza crust, which was purchased from an outside source. FSIS is responsible for verifying that establishments are actively labeling the eight most common food allergens.
According to an SC Times article, available here, the USDA has deemed the labeling error a “low health risk.” There have been no reports of adverse reactions.
For more information on food labeling, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website here.
For more information on food labeling, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website here.