Environmental Law – Page 4 – National Agricultural Law Center
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In: Environmental Law

Court Rules that EPA Must Engage in ESA Consultation When Adopting Water Quality Standards

The Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) must analyze how its revised water quality standards for cadmium will affect threatened and endangered species...

Landowners Question Authority of Agency Adjudication

In April 2023, the Pacific Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit on behalf of Thomas and Amy Villegas against the Environmental Protection...

NEPA Set for Regulatory Revisions

The Council on Environmental Quality (“CEQ”), the federal agency responsible for administering the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”), has released the...

FWS, NMFS Issue Proposed Rules to Modify Remaining Trump Administration Regulations

During the Trump administration, multiple environmental statutes were subject to regulatory changes, some of them for the first time in decades....

EPA Faces Treated Seeds Lawsuit

In 2017, several environmental groups petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) to close what the groups described as a “loophole” that...