Posted September 25, 2014
Reps. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., and Dave Loebsack, D-Iowa have introduced a bill titled the Bridge to a Clean Energy Future Act of 2014, or H.R. 5559, according to an Ethanol Producer article by Erin Voegele available here. BioMass also published Voegele’s article here, and Domestic Fuel published an article here.
The bill was referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means and received 16 additional signatures from Congress members.
“I’m eager to push this across the finish line this Congress,” said Blumenauer.
“My state of Oregon is a leader in renewable energy technologies, and Dave’s state of Iowa is the second largest wind energy producer in the nation, so we understand the importance of stability and security in the clean energy sector. His help will be important in advancing this legislation. Making sure these energy sources are on an even playing field with the fossil fuel industry is essential to lowering carbon emissions, creating a cleaner environment, and creating good, non-exportable American jobs,” according to Domestic Fuel.
By creating a “tax landscape” for renewable energy, representatives are able to participate in a fair market with other energy sources that create a healthier environment and thousands of jobs.
“The Production Tax Credit has helped the still-growing U.S. wind energy industry employ 80,000 Americans, including thousands of Iowans,” said Loebsack.
The bill would extend the 30 percent investment take credit for alternative vehicle refueling property, up to $30,000, for two years, through 2015. Eligible refueling property includes fuel pumps for ethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen, and compressed or liquefied natural gas, according to Ethanol Producer.
“For our nation to move towards energy independence and continued job growth, we need to prioritize clean energy like wind and act immediately to pass this extension of the PTC,” said Loebsack, according to Domestic Fuel.
For more information, please visit Congress’ website here.
For more information on the Renewable Energy, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website here.