Elizabeth, Author at National Agricultural Law Center - Page 144 of 164
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By: Elizabeth

USDA Announces Grants for Value-Added Agriculture

Posted December 2, 2013   UDSA recently announced the availability of nearly $10.5 million in grants to help agricultural producers enter...

Wind Energy Company Agrees to Pay $1 Million in Fines

December 2, 2013   A wind energy company has pleaded guilty to killing birds in violation of the federal Migratory Bird...

USDA Official Warns Lack of a Farm Bill Will Damage Export Programs

Posted November 27, 2013   The lack of a long-term farm bill is threatening foreign trade programs which have contributed to...

Bill to Soften FDA Menu Labeling Proposal

Posted November 27, 2013   Senators recently introduced legislation that would ease proposed FDA menu labeling requirements for pizza delivery restaurants,...

Farm Credit Drops Proposal for Non-Ag Lending

Posted November 26, 2013   The Farm Credit Administration (FCA) recently dropped a proposed rule that would have authorized companies within...

Drone Technology May Be Next Step in Precision Agriculture

Posted November 26, 2013   The use of drone technology in agriculture has recently become a topic of interest at universities...

Groups to Sue Iowa Hog Operation over Manure Spills

Posted November 25, 2013   After a manure spill earlier this month at one of Iowa’s largest hog operations, a coalition...

USDA Announces Grants to Help Schools Buy Local Food

Posted November 25, 2013   USDA announced grants for 71 projects over 42 states and the District of Columbia to connect...

Lawsuit Challenges MN “Cottage Foods” Restrictions

Posted November 25, 2013   A Minnesota business owner recently filed a lawsuit challenging the state’s “cottage foods” law, according to...

Raw Milk Producer Sues Oregon Ag Dept. Over Advertising Ban

Posted November 22, 2013   An Oregon dairy owner recently filed a lawsuit in federal court against the state Department of...

Farm Bill Talks Break Down as Deadline Looms

Posted November 22, 2013   Farm bill negotiations broke down on Thursday and House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) said...

Meatpackers Urge Congress to Amend COOL Rules

Posted November 21, 2013   U.S. meatpackers are urging Congress in a last-minute effort to stop the implementation of Country of...

Federal Court Rules Stocking Fish Does Not Violate CWA

Posted November 21, 2013   In Pace v. Bonham, No. 12-cv-05610, 2013 WL 5945799, (N.D. Cal. November 4, 2013), the United...

Job Opening: Executive Director for “Field to Market” Agricultural Sustainability NGO

Posted November 21, 2013   Executive Director Position Description   Field to market is hiring an Executive Director to guide the...

Falling Corn Prices a Key Issue in Farm Bill Debate

Posted November 20, 2013   Falling corn prices have become a key issue for the farm bill conference, according to an...

EPA Proposes 2014 RFS, Reduces Biofuel Requirement

Posted November 20, 2013   The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released its proposed 2014 Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS), reducing...

Legislators Postpone Override Vote on NJ Bill to Ban Gestation Crates

Posted November 19, 2013   A vote to override New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s veto of a bill banning gestation crates...

GMO Food Labeling Fight Moves to Statehouses

Posted November 19, 2013   While the results of the Washington state food labeling initiative that would have required labels for...

Amendment to Horse Protection Act would Require More USDA Involvement

Posted November 19, 2013   Congress members and veterinarians recently debated an amendment to the Horse Protection Act that would require...

Special Master Rules in Favor of Nebraska in Water Dispute

Posted November 18, 2013   On Friday, a special master appointed by the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a demand that Nebraska...