California Citrus Growers Lose $441 Million
- February 12, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 12, 2014 Citrus growers in California lost about $441 million in revenue due to crop damage from a...
Senators Ask for Help with Propane Shortage
- February 12, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 12, 2014 A group of U.S. Senators recently asked the Obama Administration for help in overcoming a propane...
Christmas Tree, Organic Growers Find Help in Farm Bill
- February 11, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 11, 2014 Christmas tree and organic growers have found helpful provisions in the newly enacted farm bill, which...
Food Industry Unified in GMO Labeling Debate
- February 11, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 11, 2014 The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) announced the creation of its 29-member “Coalition for Safe Affordable Food,”...
Farm Bill to Stop DOL from Acting Alone
- February 11, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 11, 2014 Provisions of the recently enacted farm bill require the Department of Labor (DOL) to consult with...
Taylor Says FDA Needs More Resources to Implement FSMA
- February 10, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 10, 2014 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) needs more resources to implement the Food Safety Modernization...
House Approves Drought Relief Bill for California
- February 10, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 10, 2014 The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to provide emergency drought relief in California, according...
USDA Announces Regional Hubs to Mitigate Climate Change
- February 10, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 10, 2014 Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack recently announced the creation of seven regional “climate hubs” for risk...
Announcement: AALA Annual Conference, Member Input Needed
- February 7, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 7, 2014 The American Agricultural Law Association’s (AALA’s) 35th Annual Conference will be held October 19-21, 2014 in...
Illinois Lawmaker to Push GMO Labeling
- February 7, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 7, 2014 An Illinois lawmaker says he will pursue legislation requiring labeling for genetically modified (GMO) foods, according...
Michigan Ag Department Proposes Limits to Right to Farm Law
- February 7, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 7, 2014 Small and urban farmers could lose protection of Michigan’s Right to Farm Act with a recent...
Group Urges Congress for a New Approach to Food and Agricultural Policy
- February 7, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 7, 2014 Co-chairs of AGree, a food and agricultural policy group, are urging Congress to try a new...
Cities Consider Food Truck Rules
- February 6, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 6, 2014 Cities are considering rules for food trucks, as the trend gains popularity across the country. ...
Appeals Court Rules Arbitration Contracts Valid and Binding, Imposes Sanctions
- February 6, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 6, 2014 In RJW Williams Farms, Inc. v. Topflight Grain Co-op., Inc., No. 4-13-0220, 2014 Ill. App., 130220-U,...
UC-Davis Strawberry Lawsuit on Hold for Settlement Negotiations
- February 5, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 5, 2014 University of California officials say a lawsuit over the rights to berry research and varieties is...
Maine Bill Would Create Local Food Hubs
- February 5, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 5, 2014 A Maine bill would support the expansion of “food hubs,” where small-scale farmers can store, cut...
Congress Approves Farm Bill, President’s Signature Next
- February 4, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 4, 2014 Congress has passed a five-year farm bill after a long, arduous process that lasted over two...
USDA Closes NJ Slaughterhouse over Calf Treatment
- February 4, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 4, 2014 The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) recently pulled its inspectors from a New Jersey...
Monsanto Supports Industry Standards for Farm Data
- February 4, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 4, 2014 Monsanto Co. recently stated its support for industry-wide standards for managing farm data, according to an...
USDA Proposes Standards for School Nutrition Officials
- February 4, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted February 4, 2014 The USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) recently released a proposed rule which would create minimum...