Elizabeth – Page 111 – National Agricultural Law Center
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By: Elizabeth


Washington state bill would allow licensed growers to produce industrial hemp

According to the Capital Press website, House and Senate lawmakers in the state of Washington approved Senate Bill 6206 establishing regulations...


Proposed bill would bar appeal of ministerial decisions in South Dakota

A South Dakota bill that changes the way county zoning is done for Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) has cleared a...


Environmentalists target Point Reyes cattle ranches in lawsuit

Environmentalists in San Francisco filed a lawsuit last month over thousands of cattle in the Point Reyes National Seashore. The suit...


Perdue Farms to eliminate antibiotic use in poultry

The Wall Street Journal reports that Perdue Farms Inc. will eliminate antibiotics used in chicken it sells as nuggets and strips...


Texas Supreme Court rules on surface water rights

In an apparent victory for farmers and longtime water rights holders, the Texas Supreme Court recently affirmed a decision limiting the...


Third Annual Mid-South Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference, April 21-22

Posted February 18, 2016 Agriculture in the Mid-South is uniquely impacted by changes and developments in state, federal, and international laws...


USDA proposes improving healthy food access

Posted February 18, 2016 Under a proposed rule change announced Tuesday by the USDA, retailers who accept food stamps would have...


Mid-South Farm & Gin Show February 26 & 27 in Memphis

Posted February 17, 2016 The 64th Annual Mid-South Farm & Gin Show will be held February 26 & 27 at the...


Court rules on agency interpretation of statutes regarding incidental take

Posted February 16, 2016 A U.S. District Court in Puerto Rico has determined that the Endangered Species Act does not require...


Nebraska law allows meatpackers to own hogs

Posted February 16, 2016 Per nationalhogfarmer.com, Nebraska meatpackers can now own hogs. Under LB176, passed February 5, a person who owns, leases...


Court rejects lawsuit alleging Chipotle’s advertising deceived customers

Posted February 15, 2016 A federal judge in California recently rejected a lawsuit that alleged Chipotle deceived consumers by advertising its...


Free webinar Wednesday, February 17 on link between oil, gas and earthquakes.

Posted February 11, 2016 Ross Pifer, director of the Center for Agricultural and Shale Law at the Penn State University Dickinson...


Oregon court rules on conditional use permits for land zoned for exclusive farm use

Posted February 9, 2016 Last week, the Court of Appeals of Oregon considered the definition of the term “private park” as...


Lawmakers want to make poultry companies responsible for chicken manure in Maryland

Posted February 4, 2016 The Baltimore Sun reports that some Maryland lawmakers want to make large poultry processors responsible for the...


Agricultural & Food Law Consortium announces funding opportunity

Posted February 3, 2016 The Agricultural & Food Law Consortium is seeking formal collaboration with individuals, organizations, and institutions to conduct...


Spending on farm subsidies to spike over the next three years

Posted February 2, 2016 According to new government spending projections released by the Congressional Budget Office, spending on farm subsidies will...


Chobani ordered to stop running ads against rival yogurt maker Dannon

Posted February 2, 2016 A federal judge ruled last Friday that New York-based yogurt maker Chobani must cease running ads claiming...


Washington Attorney General alleges intentional deception by Grocery Manufacturers Association

Posted January 28, 2016 Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson wants to penalize the Grocery Manufacturers Association. His office contends the...


USDA to determine whether cottonseed can be designated an “other oilseed

Posted on January 26, 2016 A decision on whether USDA can make cottonseed an “other oilseed” is coming soon, according to...

Crop duster near Newport KS

Monsanto sues to keep glyphosate off list of carcinogens

Posted January 26, 2016 Monsanto filed a lawsuit against California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment seeking to keep a main...