Agri-Pulse One-Month Free Trial Subscription
Registrants for either the 2023 Western or Mid-South conferences will receive a free one-month trial subscription to Agri-Pulse (including Agri-Pulse West for Western Conference registrants).
The Agri-Pulse one-month trial will begin on or around the start date of the conference, and will include:
- Full access to
- Agri-Pulse Daybreak (podcast and transcript): Delivered before dawn Monday-Friday, this is a daily preview of what you can expect from Capitol Hill to the West Coast, and insights from agency officials and key industry influencers each weekday.
- Agri-Pulse Daily Harvest: Hand-picked by Agri-Pulse staff (not an algorithm), Daily Harvest is an early-morning aggregate Monday-Friday of all the major agricultural and food headlines, including content from Agri-Pulse as well as top reads from other major media outlets.
- Agri-Pulse weekly newsletter: The most comprehensive look at ag and food policy for the week, delivered every Wednesday morning. Agri-Pulse investigates all aspects of the food, fuel, feed, and fiber industries, looking at economic and political trends, while evaluating how these changes impact your business. Plus, you’ll find the popular “Farm Hands on the Potomac” section where you can follow other movers and shakers.