Posted May 20, 2014
Agriculture groups quickly endorsed the Water Resources Reform Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA), which is now set for final passage after a conference report was filed last week, according to an article by AgWeek available here.
The Waterways Council, the National Grain and Feed Association and the American Soybean Association endorsed the bill after leaders of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and Senate Environment and Public Works Committee released the conference report on May 15.
“The waterways really are the gateway to how our nation helps feed the world,” said National Grain and Feed President Randy Gordon. “And recent rail service disruptions have magnified and reinforced the importance of the United States having an all-of-the-above transportation infrastructure policy that focuses on all modes – truck, rail, barge and vessels.”
American Soybean Association President Ray Gaesser said, “This is a huge step forward to ensure the continued success of the soybean supply chain, and the leaders in both the House and Senate deserve a great deal of credit for shepherding this bill through a challenging policymaking climate.”
For more information on water law, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website here.