Smith v. Meyring Cattle Co., L.L.C., 302 Neb. 116, 921 N.W.2d 820 (2019); A ranch employee was injured, allegedly as a result of the ranch’s herding dog nipping at a cow, causing the cow to charge into the employee. The question presented is whether, as a matter of law, such allegations fall outside the strict liability statute, which states in relevant part that the owner or owners of any dog or dogs shall be liable for any and all damages that may accrue to any person, firm, or corporation by reason of such dog or dogs killing, wounding, injuring, worrying, or chasing any person or persons. The court affirmed the district court’s order granting a directed verdict in favor of Meyring on Smith’s statutory strictliability claim.
JCG Farms of Alabama, LLC v. Morgan, No. A18A1879, 2019 WL 580721 (Ga. Ct. App. Feb. 13, 2019);
On February 7, 2016, an explosion occurred at a chicken feed manufacturing plant in Rockmart (“Rockmart Mill”) that is owned and controlled by JCG Farms of Alabama, LLC (“JCG Farms”). The explosion seriously injured Tyler Morgan, who was working at the Rockmart Mill as a control room operator at the time. Morgan sued JCG Farms, inter alia, for negligence. After Morgan filed a motion for partial summary judgment, JCG Farms moved to withdraw any of its responses to Morgan’s request for admission stating that Morgan was not its employee. JCG Farms appeals from the trial court’s order denying the motion to withdraw admissions in judicio and granting summary judgment in favor of Morgan as to JCG Farms’ affirmative defense under the Workers’ Compensation Act. Appeals court affirms.
Final rule: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA; This rule implements a recommendation from the California Olive Committee (Committee) to establish procedures to conduct meetings and voting using electronic means of communication. Info HERE
Final rule: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA; This rule implements a recommendation from the California Olive Committee (Committee) to establish procedures to conduct meetings and voting using electronic means of communication. Info HERE
Proposed rule: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA. This proposed rule invites comments on a recommendation from the Far West Spearmint Oil Administrative Committee (Committee) to establish salable quantities and producer allotments of Class 1 (Scotch) and Class 3 (Native) spearmint oil produced in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and designated parts of Nevada and Utah (the Far West) for the 2019-2020 marketing year. This proposed rule would also remove references to past volume regulation no longer in effect. Info HERE
Proposed rule: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA; This proposed rule would amend the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List) section of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) organic regulations to implement recommendations submitted to the Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) by the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB). This rule proposes to add elemental sulfur for use as a molluscicide in organic crop production, add polyoxin D zinc salt to control fungal diseases in organic crop production, and reclassify magnesium chloride from an allowed synthetic to an allowed nonsynthetic ingredient in organic handling. Info HERE