RMA Information Updated for Producers Impacted by Drought
- July 19, 2012
- Elizabeth
The Kansas Department of Agriculture urges farmers and ranchers to immediately meet with their crop insurance appraisers to determine the best management...
Vilsack Announces Promising Assistance Package
- July 18, 2012
- Elizabeth
“Agriculture remains a bright spot in our nation’s economy and it is increasingly important that USDA has the tools to act...
Peterson Protects Previous Farm Bill Legislation
- July 18, 2012
- Elizabeth
Freshman members in the House Agriculture Committee as well as the full House may be “unaware of the history of farm...
Farm Bill Amendment and California Laws
- July 17, 2012
- Elizabeth
According to a recent Monterey Herald article, “a California voter-approved law requiring that hens have cages large enough to let them...
33rd Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Law Association: Nashville, Tennessee October 18-20
- July 13, 2012
- Elizabeth
The 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Law Association will be held October 18-20, 2012 at the downtown Sheraton Hotel...
ABA, Nat’l Ag Law Center, and American Ag Law Assoc. Co-Sponsoring July 31 Program: “California’s Proposed GM Food Labeling Law: Pros, Cons, and Legal Issues”
- July 12, 2012
- Elizabeth
On July 31, from 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 EST, the American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (SEER) is hosting...
Ag Committee Version of Farm Bill Lacks Mandatory Energy Title Funds
- July 12, 2012
- Elizabeth
The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture has passed its version of the 2012 Farm Bill, the Federal Agriculture Reform...
Farm Bill Passed by House Agriculture Committee
- July 12, 2012
- Elizabeth
The New York Times reports that the House Agriculture Committee voted to pass its version of a new farm bill that...
Farm Bill Vote Keeps Mandatory Checkoffs
- July 11, 2012
- Elizabeth
A Senate amendment that would have made mandatory checkoffs for soybeans and other crops voluntary has been defeated. Alan Kemper, chairman...
33rd Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Law Association: Nashville, Tennessee October 18-20
- July 11, 2012
- Elizabeth
The 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Law Association will be held October 18-20, 2012 at the downtown Sheraton Hotel 2012 in...
Wisconsin Town Exceeds Authority to Regulate Farm’s Water-Quality Standards
- July 11, 2012
- Elizabeth
In Wisconsin, the state Supreme Court has ruled that rural towns do not have the authority to enforce tougher water-quality standards...
Center Hosting Free Webinar July 24, “The Clean Water, EPA Regulation, and the Future of Farming”
- July 11, 2012
- Elizabeth
On July 24, 2012 from 12-1 Eastern, the National Agricultural Law Center, a unit of the University of Arkansas System Division...
National Agricultural Law Center and the National Sea Grant Law Center Announce New Collaboration
- July 11, 2012
- Elizabeth
The National Sea Grant Law Center at the University of Mississippi School of Law and the National Agricultural Law Center at...
House Agriculture Committee Calls for Bigger SNAP Cuts
- July 10, 2012
- Elizabeth
The Washington Post reports the House Agriculture Committee unveiled its approach for a long-term farm and food bill that would reduce...
Rice and Peanut Farmers Support House Version of 2012 Farm Bill
- July 9, 2012
- Elizabeth
The Hill reports that “lobbyists for rice and peanut farmers who opposed a Senate-passed farm bill backed a draft House version...
Country of Origin Labeling Discussed by National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
- July 9, 2012
- Elizabeth
The World Trade Organization issued its final ruling on Country of Origin Labeling. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Vice President Bob McCan...
California Farm Bureau Opposes Project on Prime Farmland
- July 8, 2012
- Elizabeth
A state law requiring a third of California’s power to be generated from renewable sources by 2020 has generated concern for...
Water Board Hearing Could Increase Costs for Agriculturists
- July 8, 2012
- Elizabeth
According to a recent Western Farm Press article, the California “State Water Resources Control Board held a hearing in May to...
Crop Insurance Claims Predicted to Escalate
- July 8, 2012
- Elizabeth
Extreme drought conditions in Southern Illinois have resulted in an escalated number of recently filed insurance claims.Farm Week Now reports that...
Midwest Drought Causes Diminished Corn Crops
- July 8, 2012
- Elizabeth
Farmers in the Midwest are beginning to see what was expected to be the nation’s largest corn crop in generations shrivel...