HSUS Files Suit Against NPPC Funding
- September 24, 2012
- Elizabeth
Earlier today, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) filed suit against the United States Department of Agriculture in...
Center Hosting Series of Ag Law Producer Workshops in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas
- September 24, 2012
- Elizabeth
The National Agricultural Law Center is hosting a series of producer workshop meetings throughout Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas that will...
‘Antritrust and Patent Expiration in Plant and Animal Ag’ a Focus of 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Law Association
- September 21, 2012
- Elizabeth
The American Agricultural Law Association (AALA) will hold its 33rd Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee from October 18-20 at the Downtown...
Chairwoman Stabenow to Host Farm Bill Teleconference at 5 p.m. EST
- September 20, 2012
- Elizabeth
At 5:00 p.m. EST today (September 20), Senator Stabenow will host a teleconference to discuss the 2012 Farm Bill. For more...
Forestry Roads and the Clean Water Act
- September 19, 2012
- Elizabeth
Two cases on the stormwater discharge exemption for forestry roads, Decker, et al.v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center,et al. and Georgia-Pacific...
U.S. Agritourism Statutes
- September 17, 2012
- Elizabeth
Agritourism is one of the fastest growing agricultural endeavors in the country. As part of an ongoing focus on agritourism operations...
BPI Lawsuit Over “Pink Slime” Coverage
- September 13, 2012
- Elizabeth
Earlier today, Beef Products Inc.(“BPI”) filed suit in South Dakota state court for defamation against ABC News, Inc.. The suit...
Food Law A Key Part of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Law Association
- September 12, 2012
- Elizabeth
From October 18-20, the American Agricultural Law Association (AALA) will hold its 33rd Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. The AALA has...
33rd Annual American Agricultural Law Association Annual Meeting: Focus on Farm Bill and Many Other Agricultural Law Issues
- September 5, 2012
- Elizabeth
The 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Law Association will be held October 18-20 in Nashville, Tennessee. The conference will...
USDA Hispanic and Women Farmers and Ranchers Claims Process: Informational Meeting for Attorneys on September 13
- September 4, 2012
- Elizabeth
On September 13, 2012 from 11-12 Central, there will an informational webinar for attorneys interested in learning more about the upcoming...
Upcoming: 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Law Association
- August 31, 2012
- Elizabeth
The 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Law Association will be held October 18-20, 2012 at the downtown Sheraton Hotel...
Free Ag Law Webinar on Aug. 30 to Help Farmers Deal With 2012 Drought
- August 13, 2012
- Elizabeth
On August 30 at 11-12 Central, a free webinar will be provided by the National Agricultural Law Center to help farmers...
NCGA Believes Agriculture Needs New Farm Bill
- August 1, 2012
- Elizabeth
Ag Professional reports that the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) feels “extending the current farm bill will not adequately cover farmers’ needs.”...
Aquaculture Conference Offered by Extension
- July 30, 2012
- Elizabeth
Newark Advocate reports that “people interested in learning business strategies to develop and maintain a healthy and sustainable fish farming...
Farm Bureau Supports USDA Action
- July 25, 2012
- Elizabeth
Hoosier Ag Today reports that the “American Farm Bureau Federation welcomes the emergency actions U.S. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack announced Monday...
Child Labor on Family Farms Preserved through Passed Bill
- July 25, 2012
- Elizabeth
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Preserving America’s Family Farm Act, which protects the ability of youth to gain training...
Boehner Deflects Farm Bill Timing
- July 23, 2012
- Elizabeth
Agri-Pulse reports Speaker of the House John Boehner recently told press that “a decision has not yet been made” on...
Farm Database Proposal Pulled by EPA
- July 23, 2012
- Elizabeth
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency withdrew a proposed rule that would have required livestock and poultry farmers to report about their...
RMA Information Updated for Producers Impacted by Drought
- July 19, 2012
- Elizabeth
The Kansas Department of Agriculture urges farmers and ranchers to immediately meet with their crop insurance appraisers to determine the best management...
Vilsack Announces Promising Assistance Package
- July 18, 2012
- Elizabeth
“Agriculture remains a bright spot in our nation’s economy and it is increasingly important that USDA has the tools to act...