Posted July 3, 2014
The Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC) at Texas A&M University released a preliminary version of a 2014 Farm Bill decision-aid tool for farmers, according to Texas Corn Producers (TCP) press release available here. Agri-Pulse also published an article available here. A previous blog post on the tool is available here.
The AFPC developed the tool with financial assistance from Texas Corn Producers, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and others.
Stephanie Pruitt, TCP communications director, said some farmers are excited about the product, according to Agri-Pulse.
“It’s really giving farmers the opportunity to see how farm programs will impact their operations,” Pruitt said. “It gives them a chance to weigh their options.”
TCP urges farmers to remember that this is only a preliminary version, and it has not been finalized to incorporate the final rules, which have not yet been released by USDA Farm Service Agency, according to TCP statement.
TCP encourages farmers to watch two instructional videos prior to using the tool. The videos can be found on the AFPC website here.
The decision-aid tool is available on the AFPC website here.
For more information on farm bills, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website here.