Univ. Hawaii Law Review Symposium: 25 Years of PASH (2021).

Lemmo, Shoreline Hardening in Hawai’i: A Perspective from the Beaches 519-524; Murakami, Finding a New Path: A Practical Look at PASH, the Public Trust, and Western Property Law 613-635; Klein, PASH: Vital 25 Years Later 339-340; Forman, Reoccurring Cultural Insensitivity: Confronting the Abdication of Core Judicial Functions 341-419; Case, Implementing PASH and Its Progeny within DLNR 420-451; Vitousek, PASH: No One Legacy 452-463; Thomas, Takings, PASH, and the Changing Coastal Environment 525-549; Acoba, PASH and the Evolution of Native Hawaiian Rights Protection 550-591; Meheula, William K. III A Litigator’s Approach to Issues concerning Exercise and Protection of Native Hawaiian Traditional and Customary Rights 592-612.

Categories: _Bibliography, Land Reform