Special Issue, Law & Technology, 27 BULLETIN SCIENCE TECH. & SOCIETY 187-250 & 260-332 2007

Chandler, Law and Technology: Exploring the Role of Law in the Conflict Between Organic Farming and Biotechnology, 187; McLeod-Kilmurray, Hoffman v. Monsanto: Courts, Class Actions, and Perceptions of the Problem of GM Drift, 188-201; Craik, Culver & Siebrasse, Genetically Modified Crops and Nuisance: Exploring the Role of Precaution in Private Law, 202-214; Khoury & Smyth, Reasonable Foreseeability and Liability in Relation to Genetically Modified Organisms, 215-232; Rodgers, Coexistence or Confict? A European Perspective on GMOs and the Problem of Liability, 233-250; Oguamanam, Tension on the Farm Fields: The Death of Traditional Agriculture? 260-273; Phillips & Smyth, Grounding the Management of Liabilities in the Risk Analysis Framework, 274-286; de Beer, Biotrespass, 287-300; Judge, Intellectual Property Law and an Internal Limit on Intellectual Property Rights and Autonomous Source of Liability for Intellectual Property Owners, 301-313; Mgbeoji, Adventitious Presence of Patented Genetically Modified Organisms on Private Premises: Is Intent Necessary for Actions in Infringement Against the Property Owner, 314-321; Vanderburg, Technology and the Law, Who Rules? 322-332.

Categories: _Bibliography, Torts/Insurance