Posted December 4, 2013
A resource guide developed by the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) and the Farmer Veteran Coalition Partnership (FVC) provides information and assistance for military veterans seeking employment in agriculture, according to a Drovers article available here.
Nearly four million veterans reside in rural America and a “disproportionate share of men and women serving in the military were raised in rural communities” according to USDA.
The organizations will work together to train beginning farmers, make equipment available for veteran farmers, and help to find farm ownership or employment opportunities for members of the military transitioning into civilian life.
AFBF President Bob Stallman said, “Through this partnership, I am optimistic returning veterans will learn how to continue their service to our country by helping feed its citizens, nourish its land and make its rural communities more viable through the many entrepreneurial opportunities agriculture has to offer.”
“We’re working to cultivate a new generation of farmers and food leaders, in addition to developing viable employment and meaningful careers through the collaboration of the farming and military communities,” said Michael O’Gorman, executive director of the FVC.
The guide is available here.