Posted June 3, 2014
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a draft rule seeking 30 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, based on 2005 emission levels from existing power plants, according to an article on Hoosier Ag Today by Gary Truitt available here. USA Today also published an article with video available here, Forbes here, and The Energy Collective here.
The American Farm Bureau Federation said this proposal would harm the nation’s economy, rural communities, and America’s farm and ranch families while leading to higher energy prices.
Roger Johnson, National Farmers Union President, urges EPA to recognize rural electric cooperatives serve the nation’s farmers and ranchers by providing power to 42 million Americans, accounting for 12 percent of the total U.S. electricity sales. Any regulatory action must consider the impact on rural electrics and the communities they serve.
“This is not just about disappearing polar bears or melting ice caps,” said EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. “This is about protecting our health and our homes. This is about protecting local economies and jobs.” McCarthy said the proposal will spur innovation and create jobs.
The regulations will be announced June 3 and target existing power plants, which could put a heavy burden on utilities getting electricity from coal, and ratepayers who will suffer the cost of pollution controls and alternative sources of electricity, according to Forbes.
Section 111(d)of the Clean Air Act also gives the EPA authority to modify the rules for existing power plants, such as grandfathering older plants under theory that they will reach the end of their useful lives to justify the cost of expensive pollution controls.
For more information on the Clean Air Act, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website here.