Assessment Regulations Revised for Domestic Date Producers
- July 17, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 17, 2014 This rule revises the rules and regulations of the California date marketing order to impose interest...
USDA Amending Nondiscrimination Regulations
- July 17, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 17, 2014 The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is amending its regulation on nondiscrimination in programs or...
USDA Changing Size Requirements for Oranges
- July 17, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 17, 2014 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is adopting, as a final rule, without change, an interim...
FSA Announced SPEIS Draft
- July 16, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 16, 2014 The Farm Service Agency (FSA), on behalf of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), has completed a...
Groups Invited to Comment on SNAP E&T Study
- July 16, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 16, 2014 In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the general public and other public agencies...
New GIPSA Amendments for Idaho
- July 16, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 16, 2014 In response to a request from the Secretary of State for the State of Idaho, the...
NIFA Soliciting Stakeholder Input
- July 16, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 16, 2014 As part of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA) strategy to implement Section 7214...
Ohio’s Small Business Income Tax Deduction Increases
- July 15, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 15, 2014 Ohio Governor John Kasich signed a bill that increases the small business income deduction from 50 percent...
DFA Agreed to Pay $50 Million Settlement
- July 15, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 15, 2014 The cooperative Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) have agreed to pay $50 million settlement to thousands...
Iowa Supreme Court Ruled Water Quality Regulations Valid
- July 14, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 14, 2014 On Friday, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled the 2009 Iowa Environmental Protection Commission water quality regulations...
USDA Announced Wetland Compliance Provisions Listening Session
- July 14, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 14, 2014 U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will host a listening session on...
Indiana Fish Feed Mill Creates Opportunities for Soybean Farmers
- July 10, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 10, 2014 A new fish feed mill is opening in Indiana that will utilize soybeans to feed the...
California Oil Field Produces Valuable Commodity
- July 9, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 9, 2014 The 115-year-old Kern River oil field is providing another valuable commodity to California’s Central Valley: water,...
Animal Rights Group Suing Insurers For Feld Settlement Cost
- July 9, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 9, 2014 On May 15, animal welfare groups agreed to pay $15.7 million to the Ringling Bros. and...
Dairy Groups Propose FSMA Exemption
- July 9, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 9, 2014 The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) asked the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to exempt dairy...
EPA Finalized Two RFS Rules
- July 7, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 7, 2014 On July 2, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued two final rules concerning the renewable...
Second Chinese Citizen Arrested in Seed Theft Case
- July 4, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 4, 2014 A second Chinese citizen has been charged by federal agents in an alleged scheme to steal high-tech...
Drake Law Center Will Host Farmer Veteran’s Coalition
- July 4, 2014
- Elizabeth
–> Posted July, 4 2014 Drake University Law School is partnering with the Farmer Veteran Coalition to host the Midwest Conference...
USDA Announced Availability of Funding for Tribal Land-Grant Colleges
- July 3, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 3, 2014 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced the availability...
AFPC Released Farm Bill Decision-Aid Tool
- July 3, 2014
- Elizabeth
Posted July 3, 2014 The Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC) at Texas A&M University released a preliminary version of...