Posted February 25, 2014
The Nebraska Legislature’s Agriculture Committee recently heard testimony on a bill which would lift the packer ownership ban on swine in the state, according to an article by WNAX, available here.
LB 942, available here, is sponsored by Nebraska’s Agriculture Committee chair, Senator Ken Schilz.
The current law prohibits packers from owning swine, beef or dairy.
Nebraska Farm Bureau and Pork Producers testified in favor of the bill. Jay Rempe, Farm Bureau Vice President of Government Affairs, “says lifting the ban would help grow livestock production in the state.
Nebraska Farms Union President, John Hansen, testified in opposition to the bill, saying that “captive supply would accelerate rapidly.” Hansen also said the ban, in place since 1998, has protected medium and small producers.
For more information on corporate farming laws, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website here.