Posted September 16, 2014
After all the votes have been recounted, the Missouri Amendment One, “Right to Farm,” stands, according to an Ozarks First article by Matt Lupoli available here. Feedstuffs also published an article available hereand The Republic here.
According to Secretary of State Jason Kander, a total of 499,963 “yes” votes were cast against 497,588 “no” votes. The recount margin narrowed from 2,490 votes to 2,375.
The recount was requested after the ballot passed with a margin victory of less than one-half of a percentage point, according to The Republic.
The amendment protects farmer practices, including early weaning of dairy cattle, neutering and castration, and the planting of genetically modified crops, according to Feedstuffs.
“Although the recount was unnecessary and costly to Missouri taxpayers, we are pleased with the results upholding the passage of Amendment #1,” said Blake Hurst, president of Missouri Farm Bureau.
The secretary of state’s office estimated the recount could cost up to $100,000, according to The Republic.
Jim McCann, Missouri Cattlemen’s Association (MCA) president, said out-of-state organizations were “vehemently” opposed to the Amendment and attempted to mislead Missourians, according to Feedstuffs.
“The Farming Rights Amendment was created with family farms and ranches in mind,” said McCann. “It is good to know Missourians welcome family farmers and ranchers and understand the importance of agriculture to the all-around wellbeing of our state.”
For more information on Right to Farm laws and for a compilation of states’ Right to Farm statutes, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website here.