Special Issue on Sustainable Regulation of Biotechnology, 8 ASIA PACIFIC J. ENVIRONMENTAL L. 1220 2004

Lyster & Franklin, Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Sustainable Regulation of Biotechnology, 16; Kemp, Biotechnology Regulation: GMOs, Agriculture, Science and the Environment, 727; AhmadiEsfahani, Is Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology Economically Justified? 2946; Irwin, Scientific Governance in Europe: Towards a Critical Perspective, 4766; Wang, Tianbao & Lu, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and China’s Practice, 6796; Tager & Phelps, A Critique of the Australian Gene Technology Act and its Implementation, 97110; Lyster, Sustainability, Regulatory Dilemmas and GMOs: The US and the EU Compared, 111139; Wheen, Genetic Modification, Risk Assessment, and Maori Belief under New Zealand’s Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996, 141176; Morgan, International Trade Rules and the Implications for Biotechnology Regulation, 177208; Comment, Harvest for the World: Notes on Modern Biotechnology Regulation in the Philippines, 209220.

Categories: Bibliography, Biotechnology Bibliography