Drovers CattleNetwork reports that the National Cattlemens’ Beef Association Chairman of the Cattle Health and Well-Being Committee has concerns over provisions in 2012 Farm Bill as currently proposed.
According to the article, Committee Chairman Tom Talbot explains that, “despite challenges cattlemen and women face, raising healthy cattle is and always has been a top priority.” Talbot further described that he was “appalled that animal care could be taken out of the hands of experts and placed in the control of the federal government.”
For the full Drover’s article, click here.
The article reports that:
Talbot is referring to amendment S. 2252 to the 2012 Farm Bill offered by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). The amendment, which would mandate on-farm production practices, was also introduced as legislation, Egg Inspection Act Amendments of 2012 (S. 3239 and H.R. 3298), by Sen. Feinstein and Congressman Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.).
In addition, the Drovers CattleNetwork article quotes Talbot as stating that:
“This legislation opens up Pandora’s Box on Capitol Hill. While this bill currently only applies to the egg industry, it’s not a far stretch to see it applied to all animal agriculture,” Talbot said. “Cattlemen proactively worked with veterinarians and cattle health experts to develop production guidelines. We worked together to improve our industry. Unfortunately, a one-size fits all federal mandate telling farmers and ranchers how to do their jobs is not acceptable.”
Talbot urges “all U.S. senators to side with family farmers and ranchers by rejecting amendment 2252 to the farm bill and the legislation altogether.”
For more information regarding legal issues in animal agriculture, including animal welfare issues, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center website here, including the Animal Welfare Reading Room. For additional inquiries on legal issues in animal agriculture, contact National Agricultural Law Center Staff Attorney Elizabeth Rumley, at erumley@uark.edu.