Posted October 22, 2013
The State Law Clearinghouse, available here, is a free resource provided by the National Agricultural Law Center.
The Clearinghouse is an ongoing project to compile all state statutes that exist in specific topics of agricultural law. State laws may vary widely from one state to the next, even when the area of law is the same. This resource allows a researcher to obtain targeted, state-specific information on the issue by providing a complete statutory text along with the date of possible expiration.
Statute compilations posted to date include: Agricultural liens, agritourism, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), animal cruelty, animal identification, biofuels, climate change, farm animal confinement, fence law, recreational use, and right-to-farm.
To use, simply click on a state and a drop down menu will appear with the names of the topics of the statutes that have been assembled for that state. From there, click on the appropriate state, and a document will open with the applicable information. If a topic is missing from a state’s drop down menu, laws on that topic have not yet been passed in that state.