Posted January 24, 2014
A bill recently introduced in the Florida legislature would impose labeling requirements for genetically engineered (GE) foods, according to an article by the North Escambia News available here. The text of the bill is available here.
Senator Jeremy Ring (D-Broward County) introduced S.B.558, calling for mandatory labeling on all products by manufacturers, processors, packers, distributors, and retail food stores that contain GE products, according to a Broward Palm Beach article available here.
The bill must first pass the Agriculture, Commerce and Tourism, Regulated Industries and Community Affairs Committee and, if passed, would be effective on July 1, 2014.
S.B. 558 is a companion bill to Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda’s H.B.1in the House of Representatives. H.B. 1 would require that, by January 1, 2016, all foods sold in Florida retail outlets produced with genetically engineered ingredients be labeled.
For more information on biotechnology and food labeling, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website hereand here.