Posted October 1, 2013
Legal issues in crop insurance will be prominently featured at the upcoming 34th Annual Conference of the American Agricultural Law Association, the nation’s only professional organization serving the legal needs of agriculture. This year’s conference will be held in Madison, Wisconsin from October 31 through November 2, and will cover a diverse range of agricultural and food law topics. One of these topics will be a panel, Crop Insurance.
The Crop Insurance panel will be moderated by Robert Serio, Serio Law Office, Clarendon, Arkansas. The panel will include the following presentations and speakers:
“What is the FCIC and RMA and their rule making procedure”David P. Grahn, Assoc. General Counsel, USDA
“Crop insurance in a new farm bill” Ann Hazlett, Minority Chief Counsel, U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee
Harrison M. Pittman, Director, National Agricultural Law Center, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Greg James, Clarendon, AR; Kurt Henke, Oxford, MS
Grant Ballard, Banks Law Firm, Little Rock, AR
The AALA welcomes attorneys, students, and other professionals interested in agricultural and food law. This year’s conference will also include updates on environmental law, food law, estate planning and tax issues, the farm bill, food safety and technology, civil rights, biotechnology, and many others.
This three-day event is recognized as one of the best opportunities for relevant agricultural law continuing education. The AALA’s symposia have featured presentations by national and international experts providing extensive and relevant information on agricultural and food law. Attendees include national academic, governmental, corporate, and private practitioner experts in many areas of agricultural law. For registration, or to learn more about the AALA, visit the AALA website here.
Becoming a member of AALA is very easy and new members are welcomed and greatly appreciated. To join the AALA, please visit the AALA website here. If you have any questions about AALA, joining, and/or membership benefits, please contact AALA Executive Director Robert Achenbach at