Micah Brown – Page 6 – National Agricultural Law Center
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In: Micah Brown

Lending for Livestock, Credit for Crops: Perfecting the Security Interest

Borrowing large amounts of capital and incurring considerable debts in order to produce an agricultural commodity is necessary farmers and ranchers...

Lending for Livestock, Credit for Crops: Attaching the Security Interest

Agricultural producers typically utilize financing from lenders to fund their farming operation. Ordinarily, the lender loaning money will require the farmer...

Lending for Livestock, Credit for Crops: The Basics of Secured Transactions in Agriculture

Agricultural producers typically utilize financing from lenders to fund their farming operation. The USDA projects farm sector debt will be over...

Bankruptcy on the Farm: A Look at the Chapter 12 Option

Financial conditions during the past few years have been harsh for agricultural producers. Low commodity prices and extreme weather conditions have...

Show Me the Money: A Primer on Agricultural Lending

The availability of credit is an integral part of the agricultural production process. Borrowing large amounts of capital and incurring considerable...

Welcome Micah Brown!

Last month the National Agricultural Law Center was excited to welcome Staff Attorney Micah Brown to the NALC team. Micah, a...