Posted April 2, 2014
The National Sea Grant Law Center and the National Agricultural Law Center, in collaboration with the University of Illinois Extension; Auburn University School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences; the Aquaculture and Fisheries Business Institute; Alabama Cooperative Extension System; and Auburn University Marine Extension and Research Center, will host a workshopfor aquaculture producers in Alabama looking for ways to diversify their business with direct marketing opportunities.
Date: April 22, 2014 (10 a.m. – 3 p.m.)
Topics: information on regulatory oversight, personal and business liability, and various methods for direct marketing aquaculture products
Speakers: representatives from the Alabama Department of Public Health and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Workshop Locations:
The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center (Live)
241 South College Street
Auburn, AL
Alabama Fish Farming Center (Remote Broadcast)
529 S. Centreville St.
Greensboro, AL
Auburn University Shellfish Laboratory (Remote Broadcast)
150 Aggassiz St.
Dauphin Island, AL
Please email Terra Bowling at to register or for more information on the workshop.