Posted March 7, 2014
South Carolina may be the next state to allow alligator farms, according to an article by the Post and Courier available here.
The bill, S.714, unanimously passed by the Senate’s Fish, Game, and Forestry Committee, will now move for consideration by the full Senate. S.714 would allow for the alligator farming industry to create rules and regulations governing the practice.
Sen. Brad Hutto (D-Orangeburg) also offered an amendment to address concerns raised by the SC Wildlife Federation. The amendment allows the state Department of Natural Resources to inspect alligator farms.
The panel also increased the bond which must be posted by new alligator farms from $20,000 to $100,000 and clarified that wild alligators or wild alligator eggs may not be taken from the state to a farm, according to an article by The State available here.
Alligator farming is a major industry in Florida and Louisiana. Sen. Hutto, however, said industry members he has spoken with doubt South Carolina will ever have more than a handful of farms.
For more information on environmental law, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website here.