Ag and Food Law Blog- National Agricultural Law Center
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The Ag & Food Law Update

Chick-fil-A to Serve Antibiotic-Free Chicken

Posted February 17, 2014   Chick-fil-A recently announced that its restaurants will be serving antibiotic-free chicken within the next five years,...

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Idaho Ag Gag Bill Advances

Posted February 17, 2014   On Friday, the Idaho Senate voted 23-10 for a bill that would make it a crime...

Washington Ag Department Develops Animal Traceability System

Posted February 14, 2014   The Washington Department of Agriculture is developing an animal traceability system to make searching cattle records...

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Organic Farmers Discuss GMO Tolerance

Posted February 14, 2014   Organic farmers are discussing how to deal with contamination from genetically modified (GMO) crops and “tolerance...

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OSHA Withdraws Enforcement Memo on Grain Bin Safety

Posted February 14, 2014   The Department of Labor (DOL) has withdrawn an enforcement memo on grain bin safety and plans...

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Missouri AG Challenges California Egg Law

Posted February 13, 2014   Missouri’s Attorney General has filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging a California law regulating the...

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Lawmaker Introduces Clean Water Act Provision

Posted February 13, 2014   U.S. Representative Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) introduced legislation that would require oversight and inspection of chemical...

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Company Recalls 8.7 Million Pounds of Beef

Posted February 13, 2014   Rancho Feeding Corporation, of Peteluma, California, has recalled about 8.7 million pounds of beef, because it...

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NALC Resource: National Organic Program Reading Room

Posted February 12, 2014   The National Agricultural Law Center offers a wide range of resources, one of which is the...

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California Citrus Growers Lose $441 Million

Posted February 12, 2014   Citrus growers in California lost about $441 million in revenue due to crop damage from a...

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Senators Ask for Help with Propane Shortage

Posted February 12, 2014   A group of U.S. Senators recently asked the Obama Administration for help in overcoming a propane...

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Christmas Tree, Organic Growers Find Help in Farm Bill

Posted February 11, 2014   Christmas tree and organic growers have found helpful provisions in the newly enacted farm bill, which...

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Food Industry Unified in GMO Labeling Debate

Posted February 11, 2014   The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) announced the creation of its 29-member “Coalition for Safe Affordable Food,”...

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Farm Bill to Stop DOL from Acting Alone

Posted February 11, 2014   Provisions of the recently enacted farm bill require the Department of Labor (DOL) to consult with...

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Taylor Says FDA Needs More Resources to Implement FSMA

Posted February 10, 2014   The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) needs more resources to implement the Food Safety Modernization...

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House Approves Drought Relief Bill for California

Posted February 10, 2014   The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to provide emergency drought relief in California, according...

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USDA Announces Regional Hubs to Mitigate Climate Change

Posted February 10, 2014   Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack recently announced the creation of seven regional “climate hubs” for risk...

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Announcement: AALA Annual Conference, Member Input Needed

Posted February 7, 2014   The American Agricultural Law Association’s (AALA’s) 35th Annual Conference will be held October 19-21, 2014 in...

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Illinois Lawmaker to Push GMO Labeling

Posted February 7, 2014   An Illinois lawmaker says he will pursue legislation requiring labeling for genetically modified (GMO) foods, according...

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Michigan Ag Department Proposes Limits to Right to Farm Law

Posted February 7, 2014   Small and urban farmers could lose protection of Michigan’s Right to Farm Act with a recent...

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