In order to enhance their similar missions, the National Agricultural Law Center (NALC) and the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) have formed a partnership that will serve to further the mission of both institutions.

Founded in 1915, NASDA’s mission is to represent the state departments of agriculture in the development, implementation, and communication of sound public policy and programs which support and promote the American agricultural industry, while protecting consumers and the environment. 

The first part of the partnership was a webinar presentation for state departments’ of agriculture titled, Enforcing Animal Welfare Standards:  Whose Job Is It Anyway?  The presenter was Elizabeth Rumley, Staff Attorney for the NALC.  At the NALC, Beth Rumley focuses on legal issues in animal agriculture.  She has published numerous articles and multiple presentations nationwide on animal agriculture issues.  In addition, she is the key component of the affiliation between the NALC and the Center for Food Animal Well-Being at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. 

The presentation addressed the designation of authority to enforce animal welfare laws throughout the United States and concluded with an overview of the liability concerns that may present themselves as a result of the delegation.  For further infomration, please contact Center Staff Attorney Elizabeth Rumley at

In addition, the NASDA and NALC will conduct a joint survey of state departments of agriculture to identify additional issues to address through this partnership.  The survey results will be the basis of future presentations conducted as part of this partnership.

The NALC, a unit of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, is the nation’s leading source of agricultural and food law research and information. The Center serves the nation’s agricultural community of producers, Cooperative Extension Service personnel, state and federal policymakers, attorneys, consumers, and others. While operating on a national scale, the Center conducts objective and scholarly agricultural and food law research and information. It is also a formal partner of the USDA National Agricultural Library, helping fulfill NAL’s mission of “advancing access to global information for agriculture.”