Posted February 20, 2014
U.S. Representative Dave Loebsack (D-IA) recently introduced legislation that would establish a grant program for investment in renewable and alternative fuel infrastructure, according to an Agri-Pulse article available here.
The Renewable Fuel Utilization, Expansion, and Leadership (Re-FUEL) Act, H.R. 4051, would help create new infrastructure and retrofit existing infrastructure for pumps, tanks, piping, and electric vehicle chargers.
“I believe in making things in America and there is no reason our fuel sources shouldn’t be made here as well,” Loebsack said. “It’s also important that consumers are able to choose where their fuel sources come from when they go fill up.”
The grants would be funded by royalties received for the production of oil under oil and gas leases granted under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act and would be administered through USDA.
Renewable fuels groups support the legislation, according to a Farm Futures article available here.
“I commend Congressman Loebsack for introducing legislation that supports America’s consumers, rural communities and growing biofuels industry,” Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis said. “By supporting renewable fuel infrastructure, this legislation will help push our nation toward energy independence and give consumers some much needed choice and savings at the pump.”
For more information on renewable fuels, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website here.