Posted January 26, 2015
The House and Senate committees have set a joint Feb. 4 hearing on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Clean Water Act rule, according to an Agri-Pulse article available here. WNAX also published an article available here.
The joint hearing involves the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Senate Ag Committee Chairman Pat Roberts is also conferring with Environment Chairman James Inhofe on the issue, according to WNAX.
Administration officials hope the rule finalizes this spring, would re-define what streams, ponds, ditches and other areas fall under the Clean Water Act’s jurisdiction as waters of the United States (WOTUS), according to Agri-Pulse.
Last fall the House voted 262-152 to approve a bill that would have killed the rule, but the legislation never advanced in the Senate, which was then controlled by Democrats.
For more information on the Clean Water Act, please visit the National Agricultural Law Center’s website here.