A National AgLaw Center Research Publication

States’ Agritourism Statutes

National Agricultural Law Center Research Staff
Over half of the states in the United States have enacted statutes that address agritourism. These statutes vary from liability protections for agritourism operators to tax credits to zoning requirements. Familiarity with these statutes is essential to anyone who engages in agritourism. States’ Agritourism Statutes provides the statutory text of each of the states’ agritourism statutes. It is important to note that there are other statutes that impact agritourism operators in each state; however, the statutes included below are the statutes that specifically mention and directly address agritourism. Several states have pending legislation; these new statutes will be added to the compilation as they are passed.

The primary aim of this compilation is to provide the researcher with easy and free access to a state’s statutory language by simply clicking on the state’s image in the map below.  This compilation was last updated on 7/26/2024.