A National AgLaw Center Research Publication

States’ Grain Standards Statutes

National Agricultural Law Center Research Staff
Grain is routinely sampled and inspected, sometimes at different points, in its journey from field to the commercial market. Depending on the type and use of grain, a wide array of criteria may be used. For example, one of the most important factors in the sale of grain is quality. How a sample performs against established criteria for quality leads to a designation of the “grade” of grain, an indicator which determines market value. Because the grade establishes market value, grading standards have been established at the state and federal level to ensure the market is fair and consistent for both the producer and grain buyer. On the federal level, the United States Grain Standards Act contains a set of standards used for import and export of grain. However, states vary in the standards that they choose to apply. Some states have adopted the federal standards and have been delegated inspection authority by the Federal Grain Inspection Service. Other states have created their own regulatory approach to grain inspection, while a third group have not adopted any regulations governing grain sampling and inspection. The primary aim of this compilation is to provide the researcher with easy and free access to a state’s statutory language by simply clicking on the state’s image in the map below. It is intended for use solely as an educational tool, and not as a substitute for individual legal advice. This compilation was last updated on February 12, 2024.