Publications: Aquaculture

Aquaculture and the Lacey Act — Research Article

Elizabeth R. Rumley Staff Attorney National Agricultural Law Center

Aquacultural producers operate under many different levels of regulation- local, state and federal.  One federal statute of particular importance to those producers who engage in interstate commerce is the Lacey Act.  Under the provisions of the Lacey Act, violators of state wildlife laws may be prosecuted in federal court.  Prosecution, including significant penalties and jail time, may occur even if the violation was inadvertent and unintentional.  This article discusses Lacey Act history and provisions as well as its penalties and enforcement mechanisms.  Further, it includes several hypothetical scenarios that further explain the provisions of the law.  Finally, it provides a few options for minimizing the risks that aquacultural producers must take in order to operate a nationwide business.  Download this article.        Download this article. Posted March 19, 2010.