In the News – National Agricultural Law Center

In The News

Dicamba’s future is shaky – Is Enlist next on the chopping block? 

With a decision that’s still reverberating through farm country, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit vacated three over-the-top dicamba registrations: Engenia, FeXapan and XtendiMax. Now, plaintiffs have set their sights on Enlist Duo herbicide, featuring 2,4-D choline and glyphosate.

farmer-880567_640Broader pesticide implications expected from dicamba ruling

An appeals court has overturned the federal registration for dicamba herbicides sprayed on biotech soybeans and cotton, but the ruling may have broader implications for pesticide regulation.

Inspection guidelines add layers to the meat-processing paradigm

In the maze of meat production, processing and distribution challenges triggered by COVID-19, establishing a local meat processing business began to look more appealing to businessmen and women in the agriculture sector than ever before.

Dicamba use is in EPA’s corner

EPA decision may come soon, being it is the middle of the spraying season.

We’ll have a test tube of tilapia and a petri dish of pork, please

What do you call a food product made of animal muscle fiber when no animals were used in the making of it?

What is Wisconsin’s ‘Right-to-Farm’ Law and Who Does it Protect? 

The origins of and debate surrounding a law that shields farms from nuisance claims in court.

NALC Hemp Webinar Covers Regulations and Hurdles, Sept. 18

Presented by the National Agricultural Law Center and attorney Rusty Rumley, the “Industrial Hemp Regulations under the 2018 Farm Bill” webinar will take place Sept. 18, from Noon to 1 p.m. EST (11 a.m. to Noon CST).

Businesses promote health benefits of CBD oil 

Businesses that sell cannabidiol (CBD) oil, an over-the-counter medication derived from hemp plants, claim the drug can be used to treat a variety of ailments, including pain, anxiety and sleeplessness.

Will courts decide the future of checkoff programs? 

There are nearly two dozen federal checkoff programs that are administered under authority of the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service.

Farmers show strength in face of adversity

Farmers are surviving due to their staying power in the face of adversity and to the foresight of the authors of the 2014 farm bill.